Trojos arklys maskuojasi kaip Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Kaspersky Labs įspėja vartotojus apie pasirodžiusį naują Trojos arklį – virusą TrojanDownloader.Win32.Apher. Jau užregistruoti pirmieji pranešimai apie užkrėstus kompiuterius. Trojos arklys išsiųstas anoniminio piktavalio, pasinaudojant viešai prieinamais e-pašto servisais. Laiško su šia programa-virusu siuntėjas įrašytas
Užkrėstas laiškas atrodo taip:
Subject: Protect Your NetWare with Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Attachment: AAprices.exe
Kaspersky Labs, an international data-security software developer, announces the official release of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 4.0. “We are pleased to present the latest version of our anti-virus product. The unique technology, updated design, and perfected administering system integrated into Kaspersky Anti-Virus 4.0 is the result of many years of work dedicated to improving the ease of working with the program and increasing computer defense reliability,” said Natalya Kaspersky, Kaspersky Labs CEO. The new Kaspersky Anti-Virus version (Personal Pro, Personal, Lite) fully supports the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. Amongst this versions latest innovations are: a complete user interface upgrade corresponding to Tree Chart technology; perfected system installation that allows for the saving the configuration of previously installed versions, and a quarantine feature for isolating infected and suspicious objects; expanded treatment of infected archived files; an added function for the treatment of Microsoft Outlook Express and objects upon system start up and also a memory scanning of active applications; and simplified operating features for disk recovery.
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Paleidus failą Aaproces.exe, programa automatiškai inicijuoja susijungimą su nutolusiu web serveriu ir iš ten pakrauna nesankcionuotos kontrolės įrankį “Backdoor.Death.25”, kuris leidžia piktavaliui nepastebėtam kontroliuoti vartotojo kompiuterį.
Nepamirškite atsinaujinti savo antivirusinės programinės įrangos.