12 klasės anglų kalbos pamoka 6
Pamokos tema: Testas “WORD FORMATION” (Žodžio daryba)
Pamokos eiga: Mokiniai aplanko svetainę:
– Pasirenka skyrių “Word formation”;
– Perskaito uždavinį:
Read the text and then type the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps. There is an example at the beginning (Perskaitykite tekstą ir į kiekvieną tarpelį įrašykite tinkamos formos žodį. Pradžioje pateiktas pavyzdys).
Computers That
Play Games
Computers have had the (0) ability to play ABLE
chess for many years now, and their (1) …PERFORM
in games against the best players in the world has shown steady (2) … .
However, IMPROVE
it will be years before the designers of computer games machines can beat their (3) … challenge yet – the ancient board BIG
game called ‘Go’. The playing area is (4) …CONSIDERABLE
larger than in chess and there are far more pieces, so that the (5) … of moves isCOMBINE
almost (6) … . The game involves planningEND
so many moves ahead that even the (7) …IMPRESS
calculations of the fastest moderncomputers are (8) … to deal with the SUFFICIENT
problems of the game. In a recent (9) … for computer ‘Go’ COMPETE
machines, the best machine beat all its rivals, but lost (10) … to three young HEAVY
schoolchildren, so there is obviously still a lot of work to do.
Mokiniai skaito tekstą ir taiso klaidas. Programa leidžia iš karto tikrinti atsakymus, todėl mokiniai iš tuoj pat mato, ar teisingai jie atsakė.
Mokiniai atlieka testą. Po 30 minučių mokytojas tikrina, kaip mokiniai atliko darbą, aiškina būdingiausias klaidas.
Anglų kalbos vartosenos testai:
Try the FCE Use of English tests on the Flo-Joe site:
Žodžių banko, žodžių darybos pratimai:
Don’t forget to visit the site each day for a new phrasal verb, word formation and collocation exercise.
Žodyno ir gramatikos pratimai:
If you’d like to learn the skills needed to do well in the Use of English Paper, go to Spotlight Paper 3 for lots of vocabulary and grammar exercises:
Kryžiažodžiai, galvosūkiai:
try some puzzles or make friends in Flo-Joe’s Student Forum: