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Moksliniai straipsniai, atspausdinti 1997 m.

A.Acus, E.Norvaišas. New quantum corrections in Skyrme model for baryons. – Proc. of the Intern. Workshop “The Quantum Systems: New Trends and Methods”, 3-7 June 1996, Minsk, Belarus. Eds. Y.S.Kimetal, World Scientific, Singapore, 1997, p.253-258. A.Acus, E.Norvaišas. Stability of SU(2) quantum skyrmion and static properties of nucleons. – Lith.J.Phys. (Liet.fiz.žurn.), 1997, v.37, No 5, p.446-448. A.Acus, E.Norvaišas, D.O.Riska (University of Helsinki, Finland). The quantum skyrmion in representations of general dimension. – Nucl.Phys.A, 1997, v.614, p.361-372. S.Ališauskas. Overlaps of the biorthogonal uq(3) coupling coefficients and related basic hypergeometric and other q-factorial series. – J.Phys.A: Math.Gen., 1997, v.30, p.4615-4637.