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Knygos – Practice Book, Workbook

Additional Reading – papildomo skaitymo tekstai. Medžiaga parengta kiekvienai pamokai ir sudaro 10 – 12 psl. papildomų užduočių ir tekstų. Pamokų medžiaga susisteminta pagal temas, kurios pateikiamos kiekvienos pamokos pradžioje. Vienas iš vadovėlio privalumų – grįžimas prie tos pačios temos (leksikos arba gramatikos) keliose pamokose, tą temą plėtojant ir gilinant.

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Interneto skelbimai ieškantiems draugų – pamoka 6 kl.

Mokytojas, naudodamas internetą anglų kalbos pamokose, integruoja ir kitus mokomuosius dalykus, individualizuoja mokinių darbą ir mokymą sieja su tarptautiniais ryšiais. Paprastos pamokos metu tai atlikti kur kas sunkiau negu naudojant internetą kompiuterių klasėje:
– organizuojant mokinių darbą poromis, mokiniai internete rasta informacija gali dalytis su kitais, perteikti gautas žinias žodžiu ir įgyti oratorinės patirties kalbėdami klasei (auditorijai).
– darbui internete skiriamas specialus sąsiuvinis, tampantis mokiniui informacijos šaltiniu: čia kaupiami adresai, nuorodos, nurodymai apie paiešką, duomenų bazę. Ši informacija naudinga ne tik jiems patiems, bet ir draugams ar šeimos nariams.
– renkant faktus iš interneto ir apie internetą bei juos klasifikuojant siekiama dirbti lėtai, laipsniškai, sistemingai.

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Anglų kalbos pamokos

As you can see from the picture, there is a line of turbines and a wather jet flowing throgh them. Let’s say that the water is flowing withouth any looses from a tank pozitioned 10m higher then the turbines. According to the mathematics and physics, from the powwer needed to pump the wather back into the tank., and the ideal power that we can get from the turbines is not the same. Let’s assume that the magnitude of the flow is 10 liter per second (m=10 l/s). The speed of the injetion flow is u=14.00714104m/s. The power, needed to pump the wather back into the tank is P=F*v=m*v*v, that meanes that P=1.962 W.

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12 klasės anglų kalbos pamoka 7

Pupils are given handouts with the speech of Domingo Solans “Parameters of the eurosystem’s monetary policy”, which has been copied from the internet http://europa.eu.int, dictionaries and guide questions: 1. What factor is closely connected with the rate of exchange? 2. What does “central banking independence” mean? 3. How do you understand “preparation of the markets”? 4. Which factor is the most significant for the currency to become international?

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12 klasės anglų kalbos pamoka 5

In 1846 an Irish immigrant in New York named Alexander Stewart opened a business called the Marble Dry-Goods Palace. By (0) … so, he gave the world something completely new – the department store. Before this, no-one (1) … tried to bring together such a wide range of goods (2) … a single roof. The business did very (3) … . It expanded rapidly and soon had (4) … staff of two thousand. For Stewart even that was not enough, (5) … . In 1862 he moved to an eight-storey building nearby, (6) … he renamed A.T. Stewart’s Cast Iron Palace. It was, (7) … for many years would remain, the largest shop in the world.

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12 klasės anglų kalbos pamoka 4

The London Tea Trade Centre is on the north (0) … of the River Thames. It is the centre of an industry of (1) … importance in the (2) … lives of the British. Tea is without (3) … the British national drink: every man, woman and child over ten years of age has (4) … average over four cups a day or some 1500 cups annually. Some thirty per cent of the world’s exports of tea makes its (5) … to London. Britain is (6) … the largest importer of tea in the world. Samples of the vast amounts of tea brought into the country to (7) … the national thirst go to the London Tea Trade Centre, where they are tasted by (8) … professional tea tasters before being sold at each week’s tea sale. It is fascinating to see them at (9) … . Over a hundred samples are (10) … in a line on long tables. Teas are generally tasted with milk, (11) … that is how the majority in Britain drink their tea. The tasters move down the line with surprising (12) …, tasting each sample from a spoon and deciding what is a (13) … price for each tea. The types of tea that are popular in Britain are (14) … inexpensive but they are of a very high quality. The best are delicate (15) … of numerous teas from different sources and countries of origin.

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12 klasės anglų kalbos pamoka 1

1.Each group reads the information about 2 institutions their group has chosen and decides how these institutions help countries to ensure their safety, develop industry, what are the drawbacks and how it would influence social and political life in Lithuania; 2. Each group writes a short resume, which will be presented the next lesson and all students, referring to the facts, will be able to express their opinion about Lithuania’s entering the European Union.